Monday, May 30, 2005
Uma das minhas séries de humor preferidas, Cheers (em Portugal levou com o "aquele bar" no resto do nome) popularizou, entre 1982 e 1993, actores como Ted Danson, Kirstie Allen, Kelsey Grammer ou Woody Harrelson, e é a próxima série (re)visitada por esta rubrica do desBlogueador de conversa.
Comecemos pelo antigo jogador dos Boston Red Sox e dono do bar, Sam "Mayday" Malone, popularizado por Ted Danson, aliás Edward Bridge Danson III. Agora com 57 anos, Danson tornou-se um ambientalista convicto, tendo fundado a "American Ocean's Campaign", em 1987. Tem igualmente um hobby, no minímo peculiar, pelo menos para quem se tornou famoso por papéis de machão inveterado: o sapateado.
A primeira das empregadas/paixonetas de Malone foi a loura Diane Chambers (ou Shelley Long), agora na casa dos 55. Depois de ter abandonado a série em 1987, à procura de uma carreira cinematográfica de sucesso, o que nunca aconteceu (talvez à excepção da parceria com Tom Hanks em Um dia a casa vem abaixo), acabou por ver a sua vida deteriorar-se com o fim do seu casamento de 23 anos e, depois de muitas plásticas e um doloroso processo de divórcio, a actriz tentou suicidar-se, no ano passado.
Com o abandono de Long, a produção da série contratou uma actriz que era quase o oposto da mesma, uma morena espampanante e desbocada que se tornaria famosa na pele de Rebecca Howe. Tratava-se de Kirstie Alley, agora com 54 anos. Curiosamente, e para quem, nos filmes Olha quem fala, era casada com um piloto (John Travolta), Kirstie tem pavor a andar de avião. O seu primeiro filme foi Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, em 1982, no papel da Tenente Saavik. Diga-mos que, agora, Kirstie está...ligeiramente maior e é a estrela de uma nova série de televisão, curiosamente chamada Fat Actress, vá-se lá saber porquê! (obrigado João)
Durante os primeiros 3 anos da série, o lugar atrás do balcão era ocupado por um antigo treinador de Malone, Ernie 'Coach' Pantusso (ou Nicholas Colasanto). O actor, um antigo e condecorado veterano da marina dos Estados Unidos da 2ª Guerra Mundial, acabaria por falecer em 1985, sendo substituído pelo jovem Woody Harrelson, agora com 43 anos. O nome da nova personagem - Woodrow Tiberius 'Woody' Boyd - era relativamente fácil de decorar para o actor - Woodrow Tracy Harrelson - e até o local de onde ele era proveniente, Hanover, não deveria causar-lhe problemas...afinal, ele era originário do mesmo local! Para um puro e inocente moço do campo, quem diria que, apenas um ano após o fim da série, o haveríamos de ver num filme como "Natural born killers"? Talvez, sabendo do passado do seu pai, poderíamos ter uma ideia disso. É que Charles Voyde Harrelson foi preso duas vezes (em 1968 e 1978) por assassinato (era um assassino contratado) sendo que, da segunda vez, matou um Juiz Federal. Além disso ele era um dos "vagabundos" que foi referenciado pela polícia de Dallas como estando na célebre "colina verdejante" após o assassinato do Presidente Kennedy, em 1963. Coincidência, supostamente, ele que até morava a apenas 500 km do local. O próprio Woody foi preso algumas vezes enquanto jovem, nesta linda figura, mas é hoje um vegan assumido, activista pela liberalização da marijuana nos Estados Unidos, tendo inclusive sido detido por ter 4 pés da planta em sua casa e admite já ter sido viciado em sexo. Além disso tem ligações fortes com o mundo da música. Os seus amigos que formam a banda Hootie & The Blowfish dedicaram-lhe a música "Woody", no seu álbum de 2003, e ele próprio, de vez em quando, aparece como vocalista da banda Manly Moondog and the Three Kool Hats.
Desde há alguns anos, Woody passou a viver na Costa Rica com a sua mulher e dois filhos.
À mesa servia a pequena (1,55m) Carla Lebec, de nome completo Carla Maria Victoria Angelina Teresa Apollonia Lozupone Tortelli LeBec, papel representado pela actriz, agora com 57 anos, Rhea Perlman. Nomeada 10 vezes em 11 anos para os prémios Emmy, Rhea casou-se com o igualmente diminuto Danny DeVito, em 1982.
Dos clientes habituais, destacava-se o par composto por Cliff e Norm. O primeiro, Clifford C. Clavin Jr., era representado por John Ratzenberger ("Ratz" para os amigos e colegas). Agora com 58 anos, e não tendo nenhum grau de parentesco com o novo papa, "Ratz" pode orgulhar-se de ser a única pessoa a ter a sua voz em todos os filmes de animação da Pixar. Assim, podemos ouvi-lo em Toy Story (1995), A Bug's Life (1998), Toy Story 2 (1999), Monsters, Inc. (2001), Finding Nemo (2003) e The Incredibles (2004). Além disso, é cinturão vermelho em karaté e um ambientalista empenhado. Nada mau para um carteiro que vivia com a mãe...
Já o seu companheiro de copos, o actor George Wendt (ou Hilary Norman Peterson), agora na casa dos 56 anos, é casado com a mesma actriz cuja voz aparecia como sendo da sua mulher na série, Vera Peterson (Bernadette Birkett). Fez também de pai de Macaulay Culkin no vídeo de Black or white, do agora arguido Michael Jackson.
Estes dois actores detêm o recorde de terem representado as suas personagens em 6 séries de televisão diferentes, e sempre juntos: Cheers (1982), Frasier (1993), Wings (1990), The Tortellis (1987), The Simpsons (1989) and St. Elsewhere (1982). Em 2000, ambos os actores, foram a tribunal tentar adquirir os direitos sobre as suas personagens na série, dado que elas tem sido usadas em publicidade a bares de aeroporto, sem a sua autorização.
Outro cliente habitual, a partir de 1984, acabou por tornar-se o mais bem sucedido de todos, o Dr. Frasier Winslow Crane, representado pelo agora cinquentão Kelsey Grammer. Vencedor de 3 prémios Emmy, Grammer foi o primeiro actor na história de televisão a receber nomeações para os mesmos por representar a mesma personagem em séries diferentes: 2 em Cheers, outra em Wings e ainda oito (de onde vieram os 3 prémios) em Frasier.
Ao todo, Grammer encarnou a pele de Frasier Crane durante 18 anos seguidos, o que é igualmente um recorde, talvez só batido por Camilo de Oliveira no nosso país.
Uma frase que Grammer gosta de repetir é a seguinte "é suposto a vida tornar-se difícil". Presumo que o facto de ganhar cerca de 2 milhões de euros por episódio (qualquer coisa como 40 milhões de euros/ano) atenuará o sacrifício. Em 2001, era mesmo o actor de televisão mais bem pago. Mesmo assim, em 1990, o actor cumpriu uma pena de 30 dias de prisão por violar a liberdade condicional que tinha por conduzir embriagado. Em 1996 passou 2 semanas na clínica Betty Ford por consumo de estupefacientes e álcool. Mas também, tendo em conta que o seu pai foi assassinado, que a sua irmã foi assassinada e que o seu irmão foi morto por um tubarão...talvez seja de compreender. Um consulta no psicólogo era capaz de ser boa ideia!
Já a sua ex-mulher, a fria e distante Dra. Lilith Sternin-Crane (Bebe Neuwirth), agora com 46 anos, continua em excelente forma, sendo uma das estrelas da série Law & Order: trial by jury.
Enfim, fica o resumo do que aconteceu às principais personagens do bar onde toda a gente sabe o seu nome:
"Roll out of bed, Mr. Coffee's dead;
The morning's looking bright;
And your shrink ran off to Europe,
And didn't even write;
And your husband wants to be a girl."
Da mesma série de posts "Den end nau": Knight rider (O justiceiro)
Allo! Allo!, Family Ties (Quem sai aos seus), Alf, All in the family (Uma família às direitas) e o resto é já a seguir...
Friday, May 27, 2005
Come on, I'm just as friend of new high-tech as the next guy but... GPS panties? Is the World gone mad=
And the publicity, God, the question they do with this "product's" publicity!
- Ever worry about your wife cheating?
- Want to know where your daughter is late at night?
- Need to know when your girlfriend's temperature is rising?
What about the prices these gyuys charge?
Basic forget-me-not panties: $99.99
Advanced forget-me-not panties (w/ heat + heart rate sensors): $179.99
What the hell is this, my friends? I'm not sure of what kind of men buys a thing like this to his loved ones, and even less of what sort of women is ready to use them. What I'm sure of is that, in case you think this is a good idea, you should get professional help, soon!
Monday, May 23, 2005
That one day all portuguese will have this music in their computer's. And, for that purpose, the unBlogger is proud to share the download of the best music ever. You just have to do a save target as on the link above, to relax and to savour this true masterpiece, preferibly with your sound system loud and clear!
José Cid - Fava beans with Portuguese pork sausage (translation)
Come on, love, it's seven thirty, you have to go and work.
You wake me up with a kiss and a smile on your eyes.
And you get me out of bed, and then take off my pijamas,
I shave and on the radio is Zé Cid singing.
I get into the bus, and I go thinking of you,
taking the kids to the kindergarten.
I get to the department, give the clerk a kiss,
Don't even touch the secretary that's so hot.
Little by little a big love is built,
From things so little and ordinary,
It just takes a smile, a simple look
A way of loving by two.
A way of loving by two.
And at five sharp, you call to say to me:
I don't know how to live without you, love, I don't know what to do.
Do me fava beans with Portuguese pork sausage, my favourite meal.
When I get home, it's dinner time, I almost don't believe it.
You're dressed in white, a flower in your hair
The kids are in bed and the fire is on.
I will live all of my life this way,
Me and you, and you and me, and you and me and you.
(2 xs chorus)
José Cid Rules...Great domination!
And I'm pretty sure, one day, all portuguese that is proud of being so will have this music in his computer.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Whatever the score is, this evening's game, in the wonderful new José Alvalade Stadium (Alvalade XXI is the name of the sports complex, not the stadium), is the end of a many months dream. Now we can only wait that the players do us the favour of making us (even more) happy and that, when the match ends, we can be able to celebrate a little more...and that the European Cup does not repeat itself!
From this moment on I'm on a countdown...hoping my nails and heart can handle it!
Go Sporting!!!
Monday, May 16, 2005
Friday, May 13, 2005
Everyday we have our mailbox filled with spam and "trash-mail" (penis enlargements, viruses, proposals of obscure businesses with unknown african leaders, russian written messages, etc...). However, yesterday I received one that really caught my attention. It's about a real breakthrough that intends to put this sort of business on the road to the new millennium.
Here it is, sent by this company that, I still wonder why, wants me to computerize my church. Of course I wrote back, thanking them for the honor of being chosen and asking for more details about the contents of their products.
They apparently use well developed software already tested. Something like "Church Tradicional 7.0". Well, I thought a while about this and it's pretty true the church must evolve and start using managing tools, or it will be (even more) behind. I even suggested them to introduce new tools to their software:
- Warehouse managing, to prevent the lack of sacramental products, such as holy bread, wine, crosses, etc...;
- Confessions and online counseling with a virtual priest;
- Believer's confession deadline control management tool, with a countdown to purgatory;
- Believer's payments management tool;
- Donation statistics;
- Newsletter.com;
- Last sacrament's online booking;
- Online payments;
- E-mail lecturing;
- Believer's automatic shooting;
- Sins current account;
- Real-time miracle simulator;
- Online Bible;
- Virtual trips to year 0 Judea;
- IRC channel with _God as a manager and even some of His apostles (I even suggested the name #our_father_name);
- Believer's analysis;
- Personality test: "what kind of an apostle are you?";
- Last Supper: believer's culinary guide;
- Another IRC channel, for contacting "the other side" and your beloved ones #here_and_beyond;
- Chance to produce holy bread according to a believer's personal taste (cinnamon, vanilla, onion, pinneapple, tuna, etc);
Well, this is indeed something I never thought about before, but it's been on my mind ever since. A new market to be explored and me, once more, without taking part of it...
Cicciolina (54 years old, godamit!!!)...Ron Jeremy (1600 movies, yaicks!!!)...among 8 other "vip's"...even Dallas' Lucy is there!
Forget the Castelos Brancos, Lilis Caneças, Elsas Raposos Ltd.? What's that, man?
PS: What are the chances of writing the name of the italian porno-politician?
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Because she didn't know it was illegal...and now she pays, like the rest of us.
Here's a picture of what really happened...
PS: An american deputy fined a chicken for crossing the road, stopping traffic in a californian road, near a 50 person's village. The chicken's owner will be on court on May 16th. One thing is for sure, unless the usage of drugs is very common in that village or its police department doesn't have much to take care of!
Professor Darren Lipnicki, from Australia's National University's Psychology College "discovered" that people think better laying down that when they are up on their feet. According to his studies, upright we are smarter and more creative than in a vertical position.
Fact 1: Cicciolina, Paris Hilton and Pamela Anderson, for instance, are clearly losing time with their careers. At this time, they could be, the 3 together, finding the cure for several diseases, putting Man on Mars and covering the Ozone Layer hole (at least this one)..., among many other things;
Fact 2: When a guy spends time making a woman's head so they go to bed with him, he is, in facto, trying to improve her mental growth;
Fact 3: Next time you boss finds you asleep at work...keep the news that inspired this post printed and show it to him. Perhaps he buys it!
And thanks a lot, Professor Lipnicki!
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Forget the Holy Grail, forget the 10 commandment boards...At last, the world's greatest religious icon was found!. Brian's holy shoe...let's follow Brian's shoe!!!
Cheer up Brian, you know what they say!!!
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Since the unemployment lines in Portugal keep getting longer (by the way, are the 1000 new graduates already working?) I leave you with some advices of what to avoid doing during a job interview, based on true stories:
- When asked "what would you bring to the job" don't reply "If you hire me, you're hiring nothing less than 100 percent pure stud". Well, unless you're auditioning for a porno movie role or something like that;
- Start crying;
- Argue with the hiring manager, get up and leave. And, call later to see if you got the job;
- Bring your kids with you;
- Show up with your mom, for moral support;
- Say that you only want the job for the employee discount;
- Ask for directions to another interview;
- Remove your hearing aid;
- Forgot what position you are applying for, but still want to know how soon you could have the hiring manager's office;
- Say the interviewer must be busy because his office is really messy;
- Come in wearing pajama bottoms and flip flops;
- Arrived in a revealing shirt. Again, unless you're auditioning for a porno movie role or something like that;
- Open your comment with a dirty joke;
- Inquire about the location of the company's security cameras;
- Admit you would not pass the mandatory drug test;
- Bring wine to the interview and offer the hiring manager a glass;
- Make a pass at the hiring manager.
And I take this chance to share two situations I know happened in portuguese companies:
- Wet your pants, seconds before the interview even starts;
- To throw up your breakfast in the interview's table...
In a nut shell, if possible try to be yourself...if not, lie, fake and make up as much as you think necessary! Nervous, what's to get nervous about? The most it can happen is you not getting the job.
Friday, May 06, 2005
Add it a bit of luck, emotion and, most of all...heart. That's tonight's game!
The dream goes on and on...and I doubt that I get to be 35, with games like this one, before I get some sort of a stroke! Ah, and thank you for making me cry...this way it's a pleasure to do so!
And hurray for Sporting Clube de Portugal, my club, always!!!
Thursday, May 05, 2005
A portuguese blog links an australian website, that reported the incident a polish man suffered after being squashed between two indian elephants in Norway...
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Portuguese biologist, stripper and writer Leonor Sousa just launched a book, called «Same time, tomorrow - a biologist's diary», where she describes her experience as a biologist in the Tropical Medicine Institut...oh, it seems the name of the book is actually «Same time, tomorrow - a stripper's diary» and is about her experience as a stripper in the «Champagne Club»...
I only find the title of the book weird because I don't know what a stripper life has that can be more thrilling to write about than the sexy and erotic world of studying benthic foraminifers or angiosperms, but well...that's ok! She must know best!
Monday, May 02, 2005
Proceeding with the posts about tv series that marked my youth, I would like to share the stories related to one that was/is one of my personal favorites. The adventures of a friendly (and insatiable) lil' alien from the planet Melmac, with 10 vital organs of which 8 are stomachs, named Gordon Shumway, alias Alf (Alien Life Form), born on the 28th October 1756 (just 249 y.o., just a child...), that lands on the Tanner's (your typical american family) garage, changing their life for good...
Let's start with the parents, Willie e Kate. The father, played by Max Wright, is on downward spiral. Now 62, Willie has seen a lot more of state prisons that he would like, arrested and booked for drunken driving. In January 2000, he was arrested in Hollywood and in September 2003, he ended up loosing driving privileges in New York State for 6 months following a guilty plea to a drunken-driving charge. Wright was visiting his adult daughter upstate when he ran afoul of local authorities by getting to know a few mailboxes and a traffic sign more intimately.
The mother, Anne Schedeen, spent many years without disclosing her age to the public. We know now she is 56 y.o. Got out of the movies in 1996, and now works as an antiquer and decorator, we can't found a single photo of this red head on the Internet that is more recent than this one...
About the Tanner children, let's start with good-looking Lynn (Andrea Elson). As so many famous teenagers, after loosing her bracers, she suffered from bulimia. Now a 36 y.o. beautiful woman, Andrea is a vegan enthusiast that ended up marrying one of Alf's production assistants.
Little Brian (Benji Gregory), now aged 27, had his own grandmother for an agent, started up on a Fantasy Island episode (and no, he was not the little man who waved at the plane) and starred in episodes of The Twilight Zone and The A-Team. When Alf was cancelled, Ben said it was a relief. He didn't want to do any more shows, but he didn't regret any of it.
What about the Tanner's neighbors, the pesky and nosy Ochmonek? Trevor, or John LaMotta makes a living playing Shakespeare, in Elm Shakespeare Company... who would say? His wife, Raquel (Liz Sheridan), now aged 76, besides playing Jerry Seinfeld's mother, she was once, imagine that, engaged to James Dean...
And Alf himself, you wonder? Have you ever wondered who was on that furry suit?
Well, in the 4 years the show was on, there were no more no less than 3 aliens. While Alf's voice was Paul Fusco's, now 53 y.o, the long-nosed alien's shorts were filled by hungarian midget Mihaly 'Michu' Meszaros and a 5 years old Abraham Verduzco, that later ended up working in movies as El Mariachi or Desperado, both starring Antonio Banderas, on very small roles (can't even get a picture of the guy)...
To end, as the ol' Alfer would say...
"My life is history. I'm a cursed melmacian, I belong to the room of the goshdarned".