Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Some people are just giving awards away...

Gazeta dos BlogueirosFirst of all, I would like to thank, and I'm sure I speak for the entire desBlogueador team, God. Without the universe's creation, I guess this moment just wouldn't be possible. Then, our parents (after all, there are 12 of them) and the remaining of our numerous families and our many friends, without which the number of visitors would lower to a number multipliable by 6, I'm sure. I would also like to thank my colleagues, that give some quality to this blog (although not that much) and, before the music that cuts my speech kicks in, I thank Eng. António Vitorino, Dr. Pedro Santana Lopes, George W. Bush, the lady that works in the corners coffee shop, the boy that happens my work's gate everyday, and, in special, to the bald man that I ran into this morning. For the constant inspiration that his shinny "nuca" is. I also would like to thank the Gazeta dos Blogueiros team, though I think that they must look at their evaluation standards or, if not that, at least leave the alcohol. Let's be honest, to give an award to such a blog...just doesn't look right! I also advise them to get a good psychiatrist, quickly.

Being as it may, thanks...

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